
Method Marketing Launches The State of Content Survey 2020

Written by Lucy Mowatt

Following the results of The State of Content Survey 2019, which provided a fascinating insight into public attitudes towards content, Method Marketing has launched an updated question set for 2020.

The first survey, which kicked off in August 2019, was designed to find out how people felt about the quality of written content across a range of platforms.

Covering topics such as spelling, punctuation and grammar, the survey investigated the impact of textual errors on consumer trust and spending behaviours.

The 2020 question set will reveal whether attitudes have changed over the past year, as well as the potential impact of Covid-19 on content marketing in 2021.

Take a look at 2019’s results

Says Method Marketing founder Lucy Mowatt: “Last year’s results gave us a great insight into people’s feelings towards content.

“The majority of respondents said they would be less likely to spend money with an organisation that has mistakes on its website, especially those that operate in the education, financial services or legal sectors. This has obvious ramifications for sales and profitability. We want to know if the trend holds true in 2020.

“This year, we’re also asking marketing professionals whether investment in content marketing will change in the light of coronavirus. We want to understand the potential impact of the pandemic and recession on the discipline.”

Take part here.

24th August 2020

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