
What is a shadowban?

Written by Lucy Mowatt

Has your business social account been hit with a shadowban?

For many businesses, social media plays a huge role in their marketing activity, helping them raise brand awareness with new audiences and engage new customers.

However, if your business is struggling to maintain consistent growth – or seeing a decline – you may be suffering from a bad case of shadowban.

In this article, we take a look at what a shadowban is and how it may manifest.

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What is shadowbanning?

Shadowbanned meaning: In the very simplest terms, a shadowban  means that your content is no longer showing up to followers, non-followers or on the Explore page (if you’re using Instagram) or For You page (if you’re on TikTok).

That means your impressions, reach and engagement all decline, often quite suddenly.

What does a shadowban look like?

The reason it’s called a ‘shadow’ ban is because it’s not obvious to you. Your account still exists, and you’re still able to post content, but no one will see it. That’s also why the ban is known as a ‘ghost ban’ or ‘stealth ban’.

Is shadowban real?

Most social media channels insist that shadowbanning isn’t real (as outlined below), and that the concept is merely a conspiracy theory that has gained traction among influencers and other social media users.

However, these rumours have persisted for some years. The truth is that it may indeed exist, albeit under a different name.  

Shadowban on Instagram

Let us say, upfront, that Instagram vehemently denies the existence of the shadowban. However, Instagram users and influencers beg to differ, suggesting there’s no other explanation for a sudden decline in reach and engagement.

Instagram does, however, say that it reserves the right to block posts sharing inappropriate content or accounts that violate its community guidelines:

“It is our policy to remove content that violates our community guidelines. We may remove entire posts if either the imagery or associated captions violate our guidelines. We also may disable entire accounts for violations of our Community Guidelines.”

Instagram Community Guidelines

If you accidentally break the rules – or moderately infringe upon them – you may find that your content doesn’t appear to non-followers.

If you have a professional account on Instagram, you can find out if any content you’ve posted has violated any guidelines and is not therefore being shown to your users. This is indicated by the ‘Account Status’, which can be found in the ‘Account’ section under your settings.

How long does an Instagram shadowban last?

If you’ve been shadowbanned on Instagram, there is no fixed end date to the ban. Consensus suggests that it’s two weeks, but others claim that it lasts a lot longer.

Read more: What is Linktree?

LinkedIn Shadowban

Shadowbanning on LinkedIn is perhaps less known, but it is still believed to happen. 

Again, there are community guidelines to follow on LinkedIn. Spam is frowned upon, so any posts deemed suspect may be hidden from news feeds. Inoffensive or inappropriate content and misinformation will also violate these guidelines.

It’s worth noting that if LinkedIn suspects that you are using automation tools to post, comment, like or otherwise interact with other users, you will be falling foul of their rules too. In a world of increased AI use, this is definitely something to bear in mind.

When you tag people in your posts, make sure that they are unlikely to ‘untag’ themselves. If lots of people start removing themselves from your posts, it will look as though you are engaging in spammy activity to give your posts a boost. A shadowban could soon follow.

Shadowban Twitter (now known as X)

After taking over and rebranding the platform as ‘X’, Elon Musk announced that he would be addressing shadowbanning on Twitter. Sadly, this expected announcement has failed to materialise so far.

Prior to the takeover, Twitter had stated that it did not operate shadowbanning. However, it did indicate that content and posts may be downgraded if its algorithm thinks your content is spammy or potentially violating its policies.

You can read the full statement from 2018 here, but basically, the platform looks at what you post, how you post and the accounts that you interact with.

If, from those factors, the algorithm determines that your post may be spam, your content will be downgraded, thus getting fewer views and fewer engagements.

Shadowbanning TikTok

TikTok is no different when it comes to the absence of any direct mention of shadowbanning. However, the platform does recommend that you follow its guidelines in order to ensure that its algorithms pick up and promote your content. 

If you notice that your videos are suddenly experiencing reduced reach and engagement, you may just have naturally lost your audience. But if you notice that your content is notably absent from the For You page, a TikTok shadowban may have been imposed.

Can you get shadowbanned from posting too much on TikTok?

When it comes to getting noticed on social media, consistency is key.

However, if you’re producing a LOT of posts, and if these posts are poor-quality and repetitive, it’s likely that your content is going to suffer. This is because it will look spammy to the algorithms, which may subsequently limit your exposure.

How do I fix my TikTok shadowban?

To avoid shadowbanning on TikTok, or fix a suspected shadowban, you need to create relevant, high-quality and fresh content. You then need to post it consistently on certain days and at specific times. 

Make sure you stay on the right side of their community guidelines, too.

For more tips on fixing shadowbans, scroll down towards the end of this article.

YouTube shadowbanned

YouTube stands with its fellows when it comes to shadowbans and denies that it imposes them. 

It maintains that if a video appears to be unsearchable or is performing poorly, it could actually be because it is being reviewed for potentially violating their guidelines. If cleared, the video will then become fully visible.

Am I shadowbanned?

Unfortunately, there isn’t an official shadowban checker for any social media platform. But there are signs you can look out for.

One of the ways to tell is to look at your reach and engagement rates on any channel. If you’re used to getting high volumes of impressions, likes, clicks, comments and replies, and these have sharply declined, you may be a victim of a shadowban.

You should also look for your content’s presence on Explore (Instagram) and For You (TikTok) pages. If you cannot see any of your posts, the social platform may have reduced your visibility through a shadowban.

How to remove a shadowban

Because social media platforms do not openly acknowledge if shadowbanning is in place, there are no hard and fast rules to getting a shadowban lifted.

The best thing you can do is to make sure you don’t violate the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines on any platform.

You should then consider any behavioural changes that might have resulted in red flags. For instance, different types of content or low-performing content.

Other factors to consider include:

  • Confirming your email address and completing all relevant fields on your profile.
  • Posting fresh, high-quality content.
  • Mixing up your hashtags (don’t constantly use the same ones).
  • Don’t use too many hashtags.
  • Aim to get as much meaningful engagement as possible.
  • Don’t use bots or unapproved third-party apps.
  • Don’t pay for likes, comments or followers.
  • Avoid banned hashtags.
  • Don’t follow and unfollow people quickly to try to raise your own follower count.
  • Avoid posting anything offensive or inflammatory that might get you reported.
  • Don’t do anything that seems spammy.
  • Treat other users with courtesy and respect, otherwise your content could get flagged.

Talk to us about your social media marketing

If you’d like help creating a social media plan, or want our expert help to write your content, please get in touch! Drop us a line at today.

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