
Instagram Insider: What do marketers need to know?

Written by Lucy Mowatt

If Instagram is a core part of your organisation’s marketing mix, then the first issue of Instagram Insider is for you.

Instagram Insider is an official new PDF zine published by the social media platform itself.

Released at the end of April 2021, issue one focuses on fashion and beauty, exploring new trends for the upcoming season. Featuring bright, inspiring imagery and ideas, it highlights key accounts, allowing die-hard ‘Grammers to keep their finger on the pulse.

Plus, it hints at new features and functionality being launched in the coming weeks.

Read more: What is evergreen content?

So while it’s not necessarily aimed at businesses, it gives social media marketers insights into what’s coming up and who to follow. That way you can create content that taps into the zeitgeist.

And because it’s aimed at the end-user, some of the content is pretty fun. We especially love the sassy responses in the Ask Elisa section.

It’s definitely worth 10 minutes of your time to stay informed and inspired.

Download Instagram Insider here.

3rd May 2021

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