
Marketing Inspiration: April 2020

Written by Lucy Mowatt

With our social media feeds overflowing with updates about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we wanted to do something to lighten the mood. So, to cheer ourselves up, we contacted some of our favourite people to find out what’s been inspiring them over the past few weeks.

Lucy Mowatt, Method Marketing

“I recently saw an article on The Drum about how empty digital billboards are being used to thank key workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Devised by the ad agency Mother, it’s both fun and meaningful. It raised a much-needed smile during the second week of the lockdown!”

Amanda Bunn, Luminous PR

“In the past couple of weeks I have probably consumed less news than normal. Why? Because I want to try and remain as positive as I can because the news is just so bleak.

“The only thing I have been doing is listening to the live BBC update each day because I believe this is where I should be getting my facts from.

“I’ll even go as far to say I have kept myself away from Facebook and probably turned more to Twitter and Instagram for brand / journo updates. I obviously continue reading the daily newsletters concerning my clients industries etc.

“If I had to choose, the best thing I have read in the past couple of weeks is the UK Tech Nation Report. Not only is it great to keep abreast of the industry I’m now working within, but it’s great having confirmation that our country is Europe’s top-scaling tech nation, and is increasing its lead in the world. That’s pretty impressive and, as ever, I’m really pleased to see East Anglia punching above its weight. 

Katie Nuttall, Nimble Film Chick

“This link was passed to me and I’ll pass it to you.

“Use the code ‘gratitude’ in the coupon section when you rent the video and you’ll get it for free. Enjoy!”

Emma Bond, One Broker

I absolutely love Honeypot’s marketing. Their guerilla marketing campaign on the streets of London was very clever and free. They’re one to watch!

Natalie Trice, PR Director

“Oh, where to start! 

“What I have done is totally turned down my news intake, but I find that BBC Breakfast between 8.35 and 9am is great, because they’re talking about feel-good things and people coming together. Today it was an orchestra, yesterday a family singing and I also saw one street taking part in exercise together. 

“I love walking around my village and seeing spring in the air as well as lots of rainbows in windows. 

“I also love that one of my clients, Esther Wane, has used her voice actor skills to create a poetry podcast.” 

Lee Scarfe, The Armoury

“I like Ed O’Brien’s (of Radiohead fame) new output Shangri La. It’s got a great pop/rock sound. Good vibes…Happy Radiohead!”

Over to you

What’s been inspiring you? Share your tips and links with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Photo by Max Di Capua on Unsplash

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